Having a little trouble getting my random item spawner to check for a certain index in the array. (check for a specific item). I would like my array to check to see if Item 4 gets spawned in the world so I can get the Print String to print out Yes the Noob has spawned in the Urn if the array spawns 4, or NO the noob is not if it spawns some other random item. I’m using a print string to see if the code actually works before I hook it up to the widget to display on the screen.
Can someone here show me what nodes I need to put in to check the index to see if Item 4 has spawned?? As I don’t know how to set up a branch check with an array index yet on my own so I’m asking if anyone here knows how to set the array check up. It only needs a few nodes, but I don’t know what those nodes are that I need to pull out in order to get it to do the checking.
The other thing I would also like to know how to do, (Optional), is set up a 1 in 200 chance of an
certain item to spawn also in the array as well so I can spawn a rare item after a certain amount
of spawns.
I’m doing an RPG game.