how do I change the terrain sculpt limit

Well to put it simply how do I change the terrain limit the for when your trying to sculpt the terrain


So the landscape system is based on heightmaps, which are basically grayscale images where the colors correspond with heights.

One way to increase the “max” height would be to increase the Z scale of your landscape.

I did a google search for “unreal engine change landscape sculpt max height” and found a good post/thread with more info.

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Please stop saying/proliferating falsities equiparating heightmap files to images.

It gives people the idea that they can be manipulated like images.
They are not images. They are Data.

You can only manipulate this data within an environment which supports 16Bit.
Ei: not paint. Not photoshop. Not most image editing programs.

Oof, in my mind things were black and white. (With about 65,000 shades of gray in between? :wink: )

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