How do I change the Subtitle's font?

Hello !

I’m setting up the subtitles for my game (the game is in English, but I’m making it as part of a French school program). The subtitles I have set up in the audio editor work great, the timing works, the splitting, everything.
Only problem : I can’t seem to change the font !

I found what should be the correct settings in Project Settins/General Settings/Fonts (in a hidden section), and changed my “Subtitle Font” to “Roboto Thin 26p”, but nothing changes when I “play in new window”.

Is this only valid once the game is packaged, or am I missing something ?

Hello AlphaGamma,

Have you imported this font into the content browser of your project?
Your game/project will not output a font if it cannot find it in the correct directory.

Have you attempted to package your project and test the font in the packaged game?


I’m aware this is an old question but I had the same problem. I found I had to close the editor and open it again to get it to pick up my new font, as the GEngine is already running and it’s SubtitleFont reference isn’t updated automatically when the Project Settings are updated.

Also to set the Subtitle Font size, set the legacy font size in the runtime font section of the UFont.

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Much appreciated for the extra information.