How do I change the interaction type of click events

I have a click event in my first person game and I was wondering how you change the way the click event is activated. Right now it’s activated by clicking on it with the mouse but I want it to be activated by clicking on it with the crosshair location in the middle of the screen. Basically whenever the crosshair is overlapping with the actor and the mouse is clicked, then the blueprint is activated. I’ve made a line trace for the crosshair and the problem with the line trace is it’s still not detecting if the crosshair is overlapping with the object, it still only looks for if the mouse is overlapping with the object. Here’s my line trace:

The thing is I’ve seen click events work with the crosshair in the center of the screen so how can I get it to work with my game?

Update: So my line trace is made so that when it hits a certain object then the blueprint runs however nothing’s happening when the line trace hits the button. I also changed the click event to a when e is pressed however if I change it to that then the blueprint runs everytime I press the e button and not only when the line trace hits the object. So how to I fix all of this?

What version are you using?

You do realize on that tick its doing a raytrace (linetrace) about every 0.1 seconds.

You also have object types set to world static. You might want to add world dynamic or just change your node to LineTraceByChannel, line trace for objects is when your looking for a specific object.

Also what class is this logic on? An actor?

This will help us figure it out.

Ok here’s something else I’m wondering. How do I make it so that if the crosshair is on top of an object and you press the e button then the blueprint for that object runs. I have a when e is pressed in the actual object but when I hover either the crosshair or the mouse over that object, nothing happens. So how exactly do I make events like that work?

Ok here’s what I’m trying to do with the line trace. I’m using the object trace because I want it so that when the trace hits a button and the player clicks the mouse then the blueprint runs. It’s like in a FP game where you hover the crosshair over an object and press a button then the object goes into your inventory. You picked up that object by hovering the crosshair over it and that’s exactly what I’m trying to do with a certain button in my game. So how do I do that? I think the line trace is working just fine but there’s nothing there to detect when the line trace hits the button and the player clicks the mouse. So how do I do that?

Update: So I enabled input and if I replace the click event for a when e is pressed, it works however the blueprint now runs everytime I press the e button. I only want it to run when the crosshair is hovering over the button which is why I’m using the line trace. I want it to only run if the line trace hits the button.