How do I change the colour of an object via an interact button?

Hey guys,

I was wondering if someone could help me out here?
I seem to be stuck on something that used to be so easy to put together in UDK but I cant figure it out in the new UE4 layout.

Basically I want to change the colour of an object by hitting an interact button.

Here is my very basic set up…
I have a large grey cube and I want to be able to walk into the trigger area of the smaller cubes and hit interact to change the colour of the large cube.
E.g. If I walk into the boundary of the small black square and hit ‘interact’ the large cube will change to black. (Simple as that!)

All the videos and help I have found online dont seem to cover this scenario. I also watched Zak’s 2-part material instancing training and Tesla’s create an interact button, but I cant set it up to work the way I need it to.

Really appreciate any help or advice. A quick video tutorial would be extremely helpful!

Many Thanks!

you have to build a material that takes a parameter first before you can set the parameter on a dynamic material’s instance.

There are 2 Youtube video you can have a look, one under introduction to blueprint, another under introduction to materials. Both will answer your question.

Unforunately, I cannot link you to these videos as Youtube is banned at my workpace, but you should be able to find the links via Unreal start panel, under Youtube tutorial playlist.