How do i change my fov based on my momentum (i just started to use unreal engine so it might not understand well)

im not sure how to do it and i cant find many non complex explanations

I assume that you have a player character blueprint that has a Camera component in it.
Inside the character blueprint event graph, drag a line out from the Tick event, and calculate your velocity. Create three variables, “FovMin” and “FovMax” and “SpeedMax” and interpolate between the two Fov values based on your speed and the target max speed. Call SetFov on your camera component with this value.

Because this runs on Tick, it will happen every frame, and thus set the camera FOV based on your player momentum (because momentum is proportional to velocity.)

Thanks this works great But i was wondering if theres a way to make the fov not bug out when you stand still and jump