How do I change/move the Zen cache?

Hey just want to see if anyone knows how to change/move the Zen cache directory? Recently it came out of nowhere and is absolutely bloating the heck out of my boot drive even though all my other Unreal stuff is stalled/directed to a different drive?

Any help would be appreciated!

Hey Scrubzirra,

you can set the DDC directory either in your Engine’s .ini files or through an Environment Variable on your system.
The documentation page here provides an example.
Set an environment variable named UE-LocalDataCachePath to the path that your DDC and Zen cache should use.
If you want you can copy the old cache to the new location or just delete it, it will be recreated on demand.

Check the section How to configure your DDC for details on the .ini files if you want to set this per Project instead of for your whole machine.


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