How do I change mic input sensitivity when using IVoiceCapture module?

I am trying to make the microphone more sensitive when using the ivoicecapture module in ue4 (IVoiceCapture | Unreal Engine Documentation). I do not see any parameters in the api that allow for adjusting this value. Does anyone have any idea on how to accomplish this?

You can set a “silence detection threshold” by using “UVOIPStatics::SetMicThreshold”.

This is the only exposed setter-function AFAIK. There are other parameters you can try by using the related console-variables:

static IConsoleVariable* SilenceDetectionAttackCVar = IConsoleManager::Get().FindConsoleVariable(TEXT("voice.SilenceDetectionAttackTime"));

static IConsoleVariable* SilenceDetectionReleaseCVar = IConsoleManager::Get().FindConsoleVariable(TEXT("voice.SilenceDetectionReleaseTime"));

static IConsoleVariable* SilenceDetectionThresholdCVar = IConsoleManager::Get().FindConsoleVariable(TEXT("voice.SilenceDetectionThreshold"));