How do i change idle Pose?

Dear unreal developpers,

I recently got started with unreal engine and used this tutorial: to get ‘true’ first person using the third person startercontent. The only problem is that because the head is rotated during the idle animation it looks off. In the animation editor i already adjusted the head but this doesnt seem to work. Any ideas how i can fix this?

The issue:

notice how the camera doesnt look the same way as the body because of the pose. during all other animations states, where the head looks straight ahead in the animation this isnt a problem.

Hey @Pgt_Sqoix! Welcome to the forums!

Can you show your blueprint viewport with your camera component highlighted so we can see what your position and rotation are set to?

We can move forward and figure it out, we’re just going to likely need more information! :slight_smile:

You can change the idle animation in many different ways.

If you would like to just use a different idle animation, you could replace the current idle animation with another idle animation in the Animation Blueprint.

You could also adjust your current animation dynamically at runtime by creating a control rig to control head movement, for example by using an aim node to aim your head at a control. You would then add a control rig node inbetween your state machine logic and your pose output node in the AnimGraph, and set the control rig class to the control rig you created.

You could also use pitch and yaw inputs to rotate the camera even while it stays attached to the socket on your skeletal mesh without changing the idle animation.

I hope this is usefull:

The only I changed that wasnt in the tutorial is the camera fov but i think that shouldnt matter.

Hi @JackOfPiTrades I have tried to adjust the animation and in the sequence editor it looks good but when i run the game it doesnt work. In the animation sequencer it only shows the change correctly when i disable the “Post process Animation Blueprint” The only problem now is that i dont know how i can edit the Post process animation.

Screenshot of sequence editor:

Thanks for all your guys help in advance!

So I can see in the video you posted that they also have that looking down angle when standing still. This is a really quick and dirty tutorial with little to no fine-tuning, definitely not ready out of the box. Removing the boom means it will not collide with anything so you will see through walls you rub up against, etc.

If you want true first-person, you should add a virtual bone and use that. Otherwise, you’d end up getting SICK from all of the rotations of many animations.

Here’s another tutorial that will help walk you through that. You can ignore the setup part and start around 2:14, just make sure to re-add your camera boom and make your camera a child of that, and child the boom instead of the camera.

Let us know how it goes!

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