what do you mean by change collision preset?
what do you want to do ?
same way as you can change the collision if you add the widget as a component. There is no menu like shown in the picture if you make the widget like I did in op. I use this workraound now but it caused a lot of frustration in me.
It’s strange that you need the collision on the widget, what you have to do in specific ? if I can ask
Well I was trying to make a system where you can drag a turret from widget button, then the turret would follow your cursor until you let go of LMB and drop it to the level area. It worked as intended as long as I didn’t press anywhere except the button that you could drag the turret from after starting the game. If Id press somewhere else, then it would fail to get the correct location from getHitResultsUnderTheCursor the next time Id try to drag a turret. I thought that the widget area would be to blamed for blocking the hitResults so thats why I tried to find the collision preset menu so I could test if that was the cause. And so I made this thread because I was pretty frustrated. But then later I made the widget component to test it but it didn’t work so now I’m using a workaround that doen’t involve widget buttons. If there’s a solution for this I’d be thankful.
Am I right to assume your talking about a widget in the hud of your game? (and not as a billboard in the game world), If that is the case tracing cant hit the hud elements - and not knowing more I cant be sure why your trace would fail.
If I was to guess maybe the trace hit the turret mesh, (that Im assuming is suspended under the cursor), and not the ground plane as intended, whatever the case Id recommend using a print string node and feeding in the name of the hit actor to debug that.
Post more info if you could use more help.
thanks for the reply. yes the widget acts as a little hud in bottom of the screen. The turret does spawn under the button but doesnt follow the cursor as the location in the print node (tick) doesn’t change as soon as I press the button, until the LMB is released. It’s weird but for now I don’t feel like continuing this since Ive found workaround.