How do I change Camera Usage Description in info.plist?

Hello, I need define the Privacy - Camera Usage Description ( NSCameraUsageDescription ) inside my iOS app’s info.plist.

So far I’ve tried

1. editing these files:

projectFolder\Intermediate\iOS\ projectName-Info.plist

projectFolder\Saved\StagedBuilds\iOS\ info.plist

2. I tried adding this under Additional Plist Data in Project Settings:

<key>NSCameraUsageDescription</key>\n<string>UE4 needs permission to use the camera in order to use ARKit.</string>\n

In both cases the plist files are overwritten with the wrong information after I build my app. Instead of “My Description” the always say “The camera is for augmenting reality”.

3. I searched all my project files for the text “The camera is for augmenting reality” but none of them contain it.

4. I searched Unreal Engine project settings to see where that text is defined but could not find it.

Where do I define the Camera Usage Description?

Same question here. Anyone please?

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I ended up using the answer by catalinux in this thread. There are two different methods described there:

I found another way to change the string, but still it is a temporary solution:
edit \Program Files\Epic Games\UE_4.21\Engine\Plugins\Runtime\AppleARKit\Source\AppleARKit\AppleARKit_IOS_UPL.xml or wherever the engine code is and change the NSCameraUsageDescription value in there:

I also want to mention that there is an xml file within the “IOS Goodies” plugin that also overwrites the UE4 xml file. Seeing that this is a somewhat popular plugin I thought I should mention it.

Many thanks for mentioning that. Saved me from maybe several hours of digging!

How to do this for a Mac? The UPL.xml is only for mobile.