Hello, I need define the Privacy - Camera Usage Description ( NSCameraUsageDescription ) inside my iOS app’s info.plist.
So far I’ve tried
1. editing these files:
projectFolder\Intermediate\iOS\ projectName-Info.plist
projectFolder\Saved\StagedBuilds\iOS\ info.plist
2. I tried adding this under Additional Plist Data in Project Settings:
<key>NSCameraUsageDescription</key>\n<string>UE4 needs permission to use the camera in order to use ARKit.</string>\n
In both cases the plist files are overwritten with the wrong information after I build my app. Instead of “My Description” the always say “The camera is for augmenting reality”.
3. I searched all my project files for the text “The camera is for augmenting reality” but none of them contain it.
4. I searched Unreal Engine project settings to see where that text is defined but could not find it.
Where do I define the Camera Usage Description?