How do I cast to class BPs?

Hello all.

I have no problem casting to the my character BP from the level BP or HUD. Its as simple as having a get player character and then cast to it. But how do I cast to another class BP so I can take advantahe of its variables like I do the my character?


Ill look into this. Thanks. :slight_smile:

You not asking about casting, casting just reidentify object instance you dealing with and you can cast it to any child class hat is related to. What you asking for how to get object instance of object you want to, and there many way to do that. For example you used “get player character” node to get player character instance, but there other function that return object reference existing objects like “Get HUD” will return current active HUD object or “Get Player Controller” to get player controller of specific number ID. Also when you spawn actor with “Spawn Actor from Class” it will return instance of spawned object, which you can store in variable and call functions from it.

I ecomand you to study class structure of engine thanks to API refrence

It;s not just for C++ you can see blueprint nodes there, they are maked with blue file icon