Hi there! So what I’m making is an intractable safe. When a number is clicked on the safe keypad it sets the material to a material with a number on relating to whatever number is clicked. I have 4 blueprint meshes representing 4 number displays each able to change material from 9 materials (for 9 numbers)…apologies if this sounds complicated.
Anyway, what I’m struggling with is this…
My EventNumberDisplay_1 custom event is called when the number 1 is clicked on the safe keypad and it outputs it to the multigate node. I would have thought that the picture below would output 1 and then 3 when the number 1 on the keypad is interacted with twice, however the problem with the multigate node is that it executes them in order and therefore this blueprint only outputs 1. I know why it isn’t working, but is there something I can use instead of the multigate node in order to call specific outputs when I want them? I have thought about using an array and using the get node, but I am not sure how I would implement that into this…any help is appreciated, thanks!