How do I build levels to scale for VR?

Hi, I’m new to Unreal development, I’m just wondering how to build worlds and design to real world scale. For example, I used the in engine size tool (x,y,z) with the assumption that each unit is 1cm and designed accordingly.

However, I’m using the first person shooter blueprint to ‘play’ my game, the character is much larger than scale, my question is how do I adjust the first person camera/model so that it can be about 175cm in relative size?

Thank you, I’m moving over from Unity to UE4 and appreciate the help :slight_smile:

Thank you :slight_smile: I’ll be sure to check out the Realistic Rendering showcase once it’s available.

Hi ,

You can refer to this guide for making sure that you are to scale:

I would also suggest looking into the Realistic Rendering showcase, as it was built to scale. Please let me know if you have any other questions.


Looking into the MyCharacter Blueprint in the FirstPerson Template, it looks like the Camera view is currently set to a height of 160cm (uu’s). This height is a combination of 2 parts which can be found in the Blueprint’s Components View.

The [Root] CapsuleComponent

  • Here you’ll want to pay attention to the setting Shape > Capsule Half height.
  • It’s currently set to 96, which puts the full height/collision of the pawn at 192 cm

The FirstPersonCamera

  • Here you’ll want to pay attention to the setting Transform > Location
  • The Z value is set to 64, which puts the camera height at 160cm

From here you can set the Z value to 79, and it will put your camera height at 175cm

is right, once the Realistic Render showcase is released that will be a great example for you to look at.
For now looking at the MyCharacter Blueprint in First person Template, the camera view height is currently at 160cm or unreal units. This height comes from a combination of 2 properties which can be found in the blueprints component tab

[Root] CapsuleComponent

  • Here you’ll want to look at the setting Shape > Capsule Half Height
  • It’s currently set to 96, which puts the pawns height/collision at 192 cm tall


  • Here you’ll want to look at Transform > Location > Z value
  • It’s currently set to 64, which puts the camera view at 160cm tall

You can set the Z value to 79 to get the camera view to 175cm.

I’m confused. in the docu links Scale: 1 Unreal Unit = 1 centimeter (cm) , but in the engine using the first person demo I’m looking at values like 96, which 96x2 = 192, thus suggesting to me 1uu = 2cm. But half-hieght ok, so i kinda get it.

But then, how does 64 = 160cm? 2.5 multiplier?

96 + 64 = 160

Probably because the origin of the player is at his center, not at his bottom. Therefore you only need half the distance (96).

thank you :slight_smile: