How Do I Backup The Engine

I want to backup any engine version and then in the future reinstall it on a future computer. Does anyone know how to do this properly?

Don’t bother is the best answer.

Backup your project, yes, defintely do that.

But in the future, just reinstall the engine.

If you want to backup your project, it’s in C:\Users\Documents\Unreal Projects\MyProject ( on a PC ).

I assume you have some archival requirement that prevents Epic being your archival storage.

You could try to zip up the install folder.

Or build the engine from source.

I don’t think the product supports this. You’ll have to experiment and roll your own.

“backup” is just wasting time without a verified “restore” process.

I might be misunderstanding this: Taken from: EULA - Unreal Engine

Nor does Epic have any obligation to continue to make available for access or download any or all Versions of the Engine Code or Content.

I’m just taking the precaution that the engine might not be available for download in the future with a loose interpretation of this statement.

Is my interpretation warranted?

Not really. They’re just covering themselves.

If they did withdraw it, which they probably never would, a backup would be no good to you anyway, because they wouldn’t let you release you game.

Epic is in the business of creating tools for building and selling games, so I wouldn’t worry about them not letting you release a game or download the engine.

At the end of your project, if you want to make an archive so you can build it from source later, start from a windows machine (archive Windows 10) and then archive every piece of software you install for the build toolchain.

If you have the code, the tools, and a build process, you should be able to rebuild from code at a later date. The only way to be sure is to test it. That’s how to measure “reliable” in reliable backup.

Till then have fun making your project and best wishes for success :slight_smile: