How do I apply a PostProcess Material to a Character/Actor in UE 5.3?

I’ve Added a PostProcess component to the character BP then I Add element array and selected my Post process material in the details panel, but nothing changes. The material works when I apply it to objects but never with Characters/Actors.

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Are you able to use the component on other blueprints, or just static meshes like the cube? Try attaching a static mesh to the character BP and see if that highlights. If so, then it’s an issue with the shader not affecting skeletal meshes. From there you/we can find more leads on the source of the problem.

Just static meshes by enabling Render CustomDepth. I’ve tried it once on a character and once on an separate actor BP, but could’nt get it to work. I’ve tried adding a static cube to the BPcharacter before to see what would happen, but still no change.

IF olikina’s solution doesnt’ work, you’ll also want to make sure that the Render Custom Depth flag is set on the static mesh. I assume you already did, but it’s best to double check.

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Thank you that was the problem I didn’t enable Render Custom Depth for the player mesh in the characterBP I only had it enabed in the world.