How do i append blueprints, etc. from a character to another character? (both are AI, one stands still which has blueprints, variables, references, etc that the other AI dosen't have- but the other AI moves around.)

How do i append blueprints, etc. from a character to another character? (both are AI, one stands still which has blueprints, variables, references, etc that the other AI dosen’t have- but the other AI moves around.)

My problem:
I want to “from a character (NPC which stands still)(that can talk) copy It’s blueprints, variables, etc. " → " And Paste it into The OTHER AI (Also a character,) but this character can move around. But Does not have the Dialogue that the other has.”

-sorry if i’m confusing. This is my very very first question, And,
-To be honest. I am rarely, actually - Never asking for help online in any topic.

trying to shorten it down:
NPC 1 (can display text when you press a button) ← but can’t walk around.
NPC 2 (can’t display text) ← But can walk around.

How (I trying to make) NPC 3 act:
NPC 3: Can Display text, but can also walk.

And, Please- Again: I am soo terrible at english. And for asking for help online. But This is just such a great community.