How do I Animate an object component using local object space in sequencer?

Hi all,

Every time a select the component in sequencer, set a key for the rotation, move up the timeline, rotate my component in the perspective and set another key. It places the values in world space instead of the local space.

Is there a way to fix this or may be a work around?



So far I have noticed that when ever I rotate my object in local space on oen axis all the values change. Is there a way to not have them change. One would think that the rotation would be stored according to the objects local axis and that the other values do not need to change…?


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So, just posting for anyone comming across this post. Over the weekend I had a bright moment. What I thought of didn’t work but it let me to the small checkbox named Quarternion interpolation. This did solve my problem.

To get there, Add a transform track to your object in sequecer. Right klik it and go to edit section. there under Rotation you will find the magic checkbox!.

Hope this helps!



Thanks this fixed my issue!

this fixed the issue i was having too! ty for your time, it really mean alot.

Dude you’re a hero for coming back and posting the answer.