How do I allow Jump while I am Crouching?

I’ve been trying to figure out how to allow my character to jump while they are crouching i’ve tried a few things with no luck. Here’s my Blueprint so far.


Wow I tried so many things trying to figure this out and it was so simple. So you can’t jump right out of a crouch. So you uncrouch first, but every time i tried that the nodes would fire but no jump would happen. I tried a bunch of different combinations of things nothing worked. Then I just decided to try an add a delay and that’s it that’s all that was needed to get it working.

I hope this at least helps someone else not waste all their time.


You can also override the function CanJump on your event graph and implement your own logic to allow jumping from crouching or in any combination of states you would like.


I came to the same conclusion, unfortunately this solution is not quite good, if you are developing a multiplayer game, the delay will look super odd in your clients because you add delay+ping, so the transition is more like… crouch… stand…delay…ping…jump. I’m assuming you are trying to build something similar than me on which even from a crouch position, you could jump higher, the animation gets all corky when you apply the delay. I’ll try the option you see below about to override CanJump, that seems to be a good idea.

I agree with this solution, it worked for me like this, no need to add delays:


how come we cant see the images you posted? they are all gone

Bruh I LOVE you for life lmao this helped me from watching COUNTLESS long videos!!! The only thing I couldn’t do was your set function for the jump down (didn’t know what it was for) But I connected it directly to my uncrouch and it worked JUST fine. I’m guessing that’s an animation or something you’re using there.

Hey! stumbled upon this solution, nicely done.

However, how do you get the Function Parent node? (I’m on UE5.1, maybe that’s why I can’t find it)

[update] found it: just right click on the entry node and select “Add Call to Parent Function”

This solution seems like it would be the best one, but it seems that CanJump is no longer available as a function to override. Anyone know why this is?

make sure you in the right blueprint. Its in Bp_topdowncharacter in the top down template…your picture looks like its from the BP_TopDownController.

are you plugging the is crouched variable in somewhere else? I cant get this to work. ■■■■ this broke my jump completely had to go back to an old save.

Thank you for this! You’re a life saver!

In my abp I use ‘is Crouching’ from Character Movement to control the crouching state, so here it works like this:

Hello! I’m new to UE so my questions can be dum. Would you be so kind to tell where do you get this function? I made the same script as you do, but failed to get this function.

P.S. Solved. Sorry. Missed answer about my issue above.

Hello! I have an issue with this function. When I use it to mantle 2m from crouch state by clicking jump, some glitch appears on the screen for a second. In any other cases when I jump or mantle the glitch doesn’t appear. It also doesn’t appear when I use other code to make character mantle/jump from crouch state.

Do you have any ideas how to solve this problem?

Here is some short video of the glitch. Sorry for the quality.

I solved the problem myself. The problem was with camera collision which zooms in and out for the second and only when character was mantling from crouch state. To solve the problem, I have to make probe size in camera collision smaller.

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Months later…my problem was that back then I foolishly tried to override it in the Player Controller instead of the actual Character… Huge facepalm moment, but this works!

I came up with a slightly better version based on this

I tried this and it worked to get the character to jump while crouching. I can hold S and jump around while still crouching. But if I Un Crouch then for some reason my jump does not work. If I remove the override then the jump works again. I have a crouch and jump in my MainPlayerController and my CharacterBluePrint. Any ideas about why this is happening.