How do I allow custom keybinds?

I’m trying to change this blueprint to not require the W key and instead work when moving forward. I’ve tried a few solutions I came up with, but they didn’t end up working.

Hey, I have not tried doing a lot with key binding but the following tutorial can be followed. I have seen and played with this implementation so it does work

If you are in Unreal Engine 5, you can use Enhanced Input (its a plugin which should be enabled). Project Lyra has sample on how it is using. It is generally more flexible. Even though I have not used that yet, exploring it a little gave better control for binding profiles. Hope this helps.

Thanks for showing me this! It’s a great tutorial that I’ll get some mileage out of! Unfortunately, it doesn’t quite solve my problem. The problem I’m facing is changing the hard-coded W key checks for forward key mapping checks. I plan on adding custom key-binds in the future, so that’s where this tutorial will help me out.
This video has given me a bit of an idea, so I might find something myself. I’m definitely open to more suggestions if you know anything else that might help!

Found a solution! I turned the input I was checking for into an action event. Turns out it doesn’t interfere with my movement, and I can reconfigure the key-bind later with a few extra steps. I feel like there’s a better solution out there, but it should work for now.