How do I add extra controls in a modular control rig?

So, I´ve finally managed to customize my 3ds max rig to work with the modular control rig setup.
But I still need a few customizations to that and I can´t figure it out.
In the official tutorial, he simply adds a new socket to a bone and adds a chain to it, but if I do that, I cannot add a parent control, thus making the control uselessly floating in the air…

LogRigVM: Warning: Instruction[56] ‘AddControl: FRigUnit_SetDefaultParent::Execute’: ‘Parent item Connector(Parent Control) does not exist.’

So, does that mean I´d have to also customize the neck module to spawn another connector for the jaw?

Same here. Have you ever found a solution?

Ah, yeah. But god forbid I could remember…

I think in the end I just modified the “add control” module or created one from scratch, but its been a while and I´m completely out of it, sorry.

Ok, still, thanks for your reply

Do you think it could perhaps have to do with the “Parent control” missing and this “Add control primary” note?

I’m trying to pick a parent control, but whatever I pick, it simply resets to “None”. Do you maybe have an idea what it would like me to pick?

Alright, I think I got it to work! All I had to do was drag and drop the “AddControl” module under the correct parent module (in my case it’s the neck, as I was trying to add the jaw)

aha, ok, I think I spent way more time trying to figure this out than you…:slight_smile:

I really wish there was better documentation on a lot of features…

Agreed. Feels like forging a path through the jungle sometimes

If you feel like this answered the question, please mark it as the solution. Thanks

Yeah, I don´t have time to try it out right now, but I think its probably the right solution…

I just recently found out a crash with lead pose and raytracing, that had been bugging me for months and prevented me from using raytracing, was actually also easily fixed by reparenting the follower mesh to the lead mesh…

So, yeah.

Parenting done right I guess…:slight_smile:

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