Hi! I am currently experimenting with the first person tamplate of unreal engine 5.
I was trying to add multiple guns with different types of bullets. But i couldn’t find a way to make it work. I used the basic pre-made rifle as a parent-class for the new gun. I also made the basic yellow projectile and the weapon component parent-classes. I want to make the new gun shoot a new type of projectile with an entirely new mesh.
I turned some values into variables to speed up the creation process.
The bullet type is the basic yellow projectile by default.
I was thinking about how to solve my problem and i realised that i don’t know how the projectile, the rifle, the character and the weapon component are connected to each other.
I am currently tying to find the connection between the weapon component and the rifle. I wanted the weapon component as a parent-class for different weapon-componenst for different types of weapons.
I think when i find the link between the two that i can complete the code by my self.
If you know how to add multiple weapon components that work with specific weapons, please tell me how.
I’m trying to cast from BP_BaseGun to BP_Bullet but it doesn’t work for some reason.
What am i doing wrong? Can someone please explain what makes the cast fail?