How do I add additional xp rewards to child actors?

Hey all,

I’m doing a RPG game and my character levels up with an XP function.

In the enemies BP, I call that function and add xp on death to my player. The issue is when I create child actors, I don’t know how to change this feature as obviously it’s inherited and not a variable.

Here is my enemy BP code:


And the function code, well the most important/first half:

Thank you for your time

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To update this:

The add xp function is in my player BP. I added a function to the parent BP of the enemy, doing exactly the same thing, only now it’s in the enemy BP and thus inherited. How do I change it for each child class now though?

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You should be able to override the function in the child class and change how it works

Thanks so much, I’m relatively new and this fixed the issue for me.