How do I add a jump animation to my blendspace?

So I am new to using Blendspaces and AnimBPs, and I’m wondering how do i add a jump animation to my blendspace. I am using a Blendspace 1D and already have an idle, walking, and running animation set up but can seem to successfully add a jump animation that plays when i hit space bar.

How do i get a jump animation to play like in the 3rd person example?

You don’t add the jump to your blendspace. Jumping is a whole other animation itself.

First your going to need something that looks like this.

Idle/Run is my blendspace.

JumpStart will contain “Play ThirdPersonJump_Start” - This should NOT loop

JumpLoop will contain “Play ThirdPersonJump_Loop” - This SHOULD loop

JumpEnd will contain “Play ThirdPersonJump_End” - This should NOT loop

So, the arrows are basically transitions. If the boolean is true, then that means you can transition from point A to point B.

In your event graph, create a new boolean. This will be called “IsInAir?”

This basically says, if the character is falling, then the boolean will be true.

Next, go back to the “Default” Locomotion.

You will need to do the following.

  • Between “Idle/Run” and “JumpStart” - For this transition to happen, the character needs to be falling. Attach “IsInAir?” to the “Can Enter Tranition”.

  • Between “JumpStart” and “JumpLoop” - Get a time remaining ratio. If the ratio is less than .1, then it can enter the transition.

  • Between “JumpLoop” and “JumpEnd” - For this transition to happen, the character needs to not be falling. Attach “IsInAir?” to a “Not” node, then to “Can Enter Tranition”.

  • Between “JumpEnd” and “Idle/Run” - Get a time remaining ratio. If the ratio is less than .1, then it can enter the transition.

And there you go… you can jump! If you have any questions, ask me, and sorry if something doesn’t sound right… Im pretty new too :slight_smile:

Thank u Soo much men for this , That helped a lot
I have a question , my character doesn’t go back to idle after jumping :frowning: