How Do i add a burned trail onto my laser blueprints?

Looking to add a burn trail of some sort to the collided objects (ground, walls, destructible meshes.)
i have my blueprints set up for a laser emitter that applys damage using a line trace, works fantastic, but just looking to amp it up a bit. any tutorials or advice will be much appreciated!

If you already got a line trace to apply damage, you can also use the same line trace to create smoke particle and decal(?) onto the surface of the hit object, check out the hit result and hit location mate.

ahhhh okay ill try this, much appreciated! cheers.

okay, one problem i have with that set up is when the emitter activates, it stays in the same spot as where it hit, it doesn’t attach onto the component where it hit. i am firing it at a destructible mesh so it breaks down into 500 pieces or so, then the emitter stays in the air where it was hit, how do i make it follow the path of the object it hit?

Have you checked this out? It uses render targets for the exact purpose you want.

Thank you!

Hi, did you get the solution for that Laser FX?