How do I actually use Unreal Insights to efficiently find blueprints and functions that are slowing down my game thread?

Right, so at this point I have gone through several hours long videos on Unreal Insights from Epic and other Youtubers and I just can’t seem to be able to use Unreal Insights properly.

I use RenderDoc for GPU profiling and it’s so easy to locate EXACTLY the blueprint/function/material/texture/pixel that’s causing latency. The GPU Visualiser also helped me alot in profiling the GPU.

But for CPU profiling, I haven’t been able to find a tool that is similar in simplicity. I have been trying to learn Unreal Insights to profile my CPU game thread but it’s so ■■■■ complex. I’ve gone through multiple hours long videos and they all seem to be showcasing its features rather than showing me how to locate which function on the game thread is causing a delay.

I’m trying to use the City Sample Crowds pack in a marketplace crowd spawning system and I know the City Sample is too heavy for game development, that’s why I chose it so I can learn CPU profiling.

I spawn my vehicle pawn (80-90 fps, game thread 11.02ms yay)

I go towards the crowd spawner, it spawns some characters from the very heavy City Sample Crowds pack (~40 fps hmm)

I go even further into the crowd and have more people spawned (~20-30 fps, game thread 34.26ms boo)

So I go to my Editor Preferences, Standalone launch parameters and put in the CPU Profile Trace parameters “-cpuprofilertrace -loadtimetrace -trace=default,memory,metadata,assetmetadata”

And I launch Unreal Insights and my game in a standalone instance. Unreal Insights starts collecting data, I close all other tracks except Game Thread and I immediately see where the issues are.

This function takes 15 seconds when loading the crowd characters for the first time. (See I even learned to use Trace Bookmarks!)

Sometime during the game where my FPS hit a low of 13, I focused on that frame and all I see is this jumble of lots of events

That’s as far as I understood, afterwards, I just don’t know how to locate these functions, it just has generic names on everything like Function, Blueprint, ComponentTick, etc.

How do I actually profile my game thread? Is there any simpler method so that I can identify my bottlenecking functions, fix them and get on with my development? I’ve been stuck here for the past 3 days


you can create a custom events in c++ with: TRACE_CPUPROFILER_EVENT_SCOPE_STR("My custom event name"); not shure if that is what you are looking for

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But I don’t know which event is heavy… how do I find that out?

Screw Unreal Insights. The Session Frontend does the job for me. I had a massive spike in game time when I was forming ice in the level after rain but had no idea why it was happening now. It worked fine before.

After ice formation:

So I use the console command stat startfile to start recording while this is happening during play and then use stat stopfile to stop recording after a few seconds.

I launch Session Frontend from Tools > Session Frondend

I go to the Profiler tab and load the stat dump file: (ProjectFolder/Saved/Profiling/UnrealStats)

I click on the peak in the Graph Viewer and the Event Name tab shows me the most time consuming threads aka the Render and Game Thread.

I know that the Render Thread is affected by any hitches in the Game Thread so I start expanding the Game Thread:

And it shows me exactly what actor is causing this hitch. In my case, the Radar Sensor. Which immediately told me what was going on, because I coded it like this.

I had designed the Radar Sensor to trace for all actors with a few exceptions, and when I spawned the ice sheets, it started picking up hundreds of ice sheet BPs and went berserk. This wasn’t an issue before because I built the Radar long after I built the ice sheets and forgot all about it till I changed the weather and rain started becoming ice.

THANK GOD, FINALLY SOMETHING RECOGNIZABLE IN THIS WHOLE PROFILING DEBACLE. I never would have guessed it was this BP causing an issue if it weren’t for the Session Frontend.

I hope this helps someone out in this weird and ominous world of profiling. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.


I am trying this very same thing. Insights is just so ■■■■ cumbersome. I saw a video on exactly what you were doing but my “profiler” tab is not showing. Anyone know how I can switch it on? I tried looking at all settings and did some research and I think I need to run a command to enable the “profiler” tab. I have been on this for 4 days…trying to find out what is killing my performance.

Just looking for how to turn on my profiler tab.


For those looking for it in 5.3 it was retired , but you can use 5.2 and load 5.3 profile save files there. Insights is just too bloated.


Did you try the Session Frontend method? I’ve found absolutely no use for Unreal Insights till now.

For that command you were looking for, I used these commands:
-cpuprofilertrace -loadtimetrace -trace=default,memory,metadata,assetmetadata

They go in Editor Preferences > Level Editor - Play > Additional Launch Parameters textbox.

Another reason not to switch to 5.3

Yeah. I tried the front end in 5.3 but it was retired. I successfully used frontend in 5.2 and was able to locate some of my processing time issues.

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yep. Session frontend was removed in UE 5.3 but you still can use it with source engine build (how to: check 5.3 changelog page)
And I don’t recommend enable it. If you need profile blueprints with unreal insights just enable this checkbox (see screenshot)