How do I active/deactive an actor?

This one should be a slam dunk for 99% of you, but is a little mysterious for a new fella like myself: Via Blueprint, how do I activate/deactivate an object in the scene? In Unity, the equivalent is GameObject.SetActive(bool), but I can’t quite seem to find an equivalent in Unreal. I thought Hidden would do it, but it doesn’t seem to.


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What do you mean by ‘deactivate’? make it invisible, deactive collision and prevent him from running any blueprints?

If yes, your answer can be found here:

What I want to do is have an object prepared and ready in the scene. I then want to hide it until I issue the command to show it. It should just be “Off” until I turn it “On”- No collisions, no rendering, no nada.

I looked at that answer before, but it didn’t include any BP specific instructions- I’ve been using the “Set Actor Hidden in game” node, but providing it with a calue of “False” doesn’t un-hide an actor that was hidden in the editor.

And maybe a better question is this: How do I hide an object in editor? Do I just click the eyeball in editor or is there some other checkbox?

Is there a good primer on actor activation/deactivation visibility/non-vis anywhere? It seems like there are a few layers of it and none of them make sense to me.

NOt really. Set active is a thing. I am trying to verify this myself. I assume you use the Set Active node…feed it a target…check ‘new active’ to change its status. I cannot specifically find how to toggle it as active or inactive though (which is odd).