How do I activate player controls for Menu after UnPossess Player Controller?

Currently, my player’s death sequence works great this way:

I UnPossess the player controller, and play the death animation montages. This lets the player fall to their death and stay down.

Is there a way I can enable the controls again to go to Menu, without affecting the player’s final pose? I want to go directly to a Menu that enables the Player to select to Quit or Restart the Level, but after the UnPossess, I’m having a hard time being able to access the controls again, even if I add a Possess node.

In a way I’m looking for a way that will enable Menu control even if the Pawn controls have been UnPossessed.

Hey @Soaron,

A few questions to get things started. Is there a reason you are un-possessing specifically instead of setting the input mode to UI only? What happens when you attempt to repossess the character?

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To be honest it’s because I’m not very good at this. I’m following a tutorial, but in the tutorial the way they set it up was that after death, the character is set to simulate physics and fall to the floor as ragdoll. For the life of me, I could not get that to work no matter how closely I tried to follow it. My character would die, play the montage, and then immediately get up and was able to walk around :upside_down_face:

This hacky ‘UnPossess’ solution was the only way I could get the player to play the montage and stay dead…

This setting input to UI only, can I add it after the montage? Or do I add it after IsDead? and then play the montage?

Hey @Soaron,

You should be able to add it before you begin your montage. Check out this non-Epic affiliated video with more information on how to use it:

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