How do I accurately Replicate Launches?

Hi! I’m new to UE5’s replication system and have been playing around with players being able to launch each other. The BP I came up with works fine for the most part. The issue I encountered is that client to server launches are “weaker” than server to client launches. (Both server and client run locally at 60fps.)

What could be the reason behind this issue? Is it the way I replicate it maybe?


just launch on server, the movement should be replicated so youre effectively launching twice on client

I tried that but it results in the same behavior where client launches are weaker. I could upload a video demonstrating the issue if helpful.

Updated Blueprint:

Camera could be a problem here, im not sure if its replicated. try using the actor location and rotation

Yeah using the player capsule works for my needs but the bug is still there. Maybe someone else can figure it out for themselves in the future.

Thanks for your help @Auran131!