How do i access the thumbnails?

How do i access, to the thumbnail image that i can use later for example icons in my game, the thumbnail images that unreal have for each item?

Note: For example the blueprints thumbnails.


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If you mean the project thumbnail in the Launcher it is located in your project folder > Saved > AutoScreenshot.

I mean the thumbnail for blueprints that you can see in the content browser.

Check out the Engine folder in Content Browser. Go to Content Browser bottom right corner > View Options > Show Engine Content in order to see that folder if it isnt visible already.

I have searched the Engine folder, i cant find the thumbnails.

Bump here, I want the same.

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bump I need more info here… I’m not finding it inhere…

I didn’t find the information, I decide to create my own blueprint to visualize each object that I needed a thumbnail and took picture of them. You could do the same and push the thing if you choose to use system such as ( Photomode in Blueprints - UE Marketplace ) to save the picture externally more quickly

There is a free tutorial somewhere on the forum explaining how to take picture of items like in the thumbnails. But i am afraid i cant remember the link to it so you will have to do some googling but that what i ended up with to solve this “issue”. :slight_smile:

use the high resolution screenshot under view tab

If you right click on the thumbnail, a little context menu appears. From there you can scroll down to the heading Asset Actions and in there you can capture a thumbnail from the active viewport editor. Only have tested for maps though.

Here: How to generate transparent background thumbnails from 3D models? - General Discussion - Unreal Engine Forums

I have encountered the same issue with you. Have you got a solution?

Hi, i think you need it:

  1. Creating an Unreal editor asset button: export thumbnails to Texture assets - YouTube


  1. Thumbnail Exporter in Code Plugins - UE Marketplace