I wanna grab all players from inside the npc behavior but i cant access GetPlayspace() from Fort_Character it has to be accessed from a creative device
you should still be able to link creative devices. I would try making a creative device that has as many events/playspace functions as you need and then linking it and calling functions to update variables in your npc script
You could have something like this in your creative device
AllPlayers := GetPlayspace().GetPlayers()
return AllPlayers
and then in your NPC Behavior just have a player array variable and set it by calling this fuction any time you need to reference it
if you don’t need the player array from getplayspace you could also set up you’re own events to signal when regular events happen and pass params into them.
(Still in your creative device)
Player_Ref := struct:
Custom_P_Added_Event : event(Player_Ref) = event(Player_Ref){}
Player_Added := GetPlayspace().PlayerAddedEvent.Await()
Custom_P_Added_Event.Signal(Player_Ref{_Player := Player_Added})
#listen for this event in your NPC Behavior
do i actually need the device in my map or just having the class be enough?
haven’t really messed with NPC_Behavior yet but feel like just having an @editable class reference and linking the device should be fine.
If you can like a mutator for example i don’t see why you couldn’t link a device you made. They’re both inheriting from the same parent class.
Try creative_device{}.GetPlayspace()