How do I access destructible mesh settings via blueprint?

Hi All,

I’m adding destructible components to my scene through my blueprint by AddDestructibleComponent and then attaching a destructible mesh via SetDestructibleMesh.

This is working great and I see my meshes and all is well. However, I want to access the Destructible Settings parameters such as Damage Threshold, Damage Spread, Enable Impact Damage, etc.

I suspect these parameters are physics collision handlers but I can’t seem to get access to them. I’d appreciate any guidance you have to offer.

Much Thanks!

also interested about this. no sucess until now.

Hey there, i’m also VERY interested in accessing “enable impact damage” for example , and i’m not seeing anything on this, other than tons of videos of " how to blowup a cube! " etc…

A few years late. Any solution to this?