How do I access a specific child component of an actor blueprint?

From another blueprint.

Wouldn’t you get the instance of the actor you want the component for, then get the component from that?

For instance, if you have a Controller, you would do something like (and the specific call names might not be 100% but):

GetController->GetControlledPawn->Mesh->etc? or

or something along those lines…

Hi SirYakalot,

What you want to do is use a cast to node. You cast to the blueprint you are looking for then you can access variables and functions from said blueprint as needed.

I think my question was confusing, what I meant was, imagine you have a blueprint with a cone shape as the root, and a cylinder as a child of that. How do I access the cylinder shape and set its materials etc.

Ah, in that case what you do is give the cylinder a unique name. In the Event Graph you can get a “get” or “set” node specific to your Cylinder. Specifically for materials, you can find more information on creating material instance dynamics here: Instanced Materials in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.1 Documentation

My answer is still what you would do. From another blueprint you cast to the blueprint containing the actors (cone root and cylinder child). From the cast to node you can specify that you want the cylinder mesh. The reason you give it a unique name is to know what you are looking for. To do this, drag off of the “As blueprint” pin in the bottom right of your cast node and type in the name of the cylinder. This will create a “get” as your blueprint of the cylinder so it can be used in the other blueprint. Additionally, to specifically set materials, you will want to create dynamic material instances in your original blueprint so they can be altered dynamically by the other blueprint, which is what I linked above.

In his original question he said “from another blueprint” and if I am not missing something your answer explain how you get access to component in event graph of actor for specific component. Imagine this situation: You have Actor blueprint where is Cone as a root and cylinder as a child, now you want to access that cylinder from different blueprint (for example from level blueprint), is there way how to do so?

it does not make sens to cast all children, it would be better to do a find on the name or at leas an index