I have a USD stage, with a single actor in it (skelmesh and animation)
I want to be able to edit an attribute on the skelmesh, but I cant work out how to access it.
For example, here is a script to list the assets:
import unreal
cache_path = '/Game/USD/NewUsdAssetCache2'
cache_object = unreal.EditorAssetLibrary.load_asset(cache_path)
loaded_assets = cache_object.get_all_loaded_assets()
this gives me the loaded assets:
#LogPython: ["/Script/Engine.Skeleton'/Game/USD/NewUsdAssetCache2.NewUsdAssetCache2:STORM_Combat_Skel_1'", "/Script/Engine.PhysicsAsset'/Game/USD/NewUsdAssetCache2.NewUsdAssetCache2:PHYS_Agent1_1'", "/Script/Engine.SkeletalMesh'/Game/USD/NewUsdAssetCache2.NewUsdAssetCache2:Agent1_1'", "/Script/Engine.AnimSequence'/Game/USD/NewUsdAssetCache2.NewUsdAssetCache2:Agent_1'"]
So my question is: how do I access the properties of the SkeletalMesh ?
for example, I want to change the attribute ‘Looping’ from False to True