I seriously can’t remember how I figured this out, but there is some magic going on under the hood between gamepads & UMG widgets. Would like to see if there’s anyone out there who actually know’s what’s happening.
For example, I have these sets of options in a scroll box for a Main Menu.
If I just pop up this widget, the gamepad cannot interact with this scrolling list at all. However, if I use this magic, I can interact w/ the list, but in a strange way.
That strange way is at first, without entering any input on the gamepad, nothing seems to change. Menu looks like I can’t interact with it via gamepad.
However, if I press down or up on dpad now, a dashed outline starts showing up on the buttons which are now focused and the widgets will now accept button push events from the gamepad.
Anyone know what’s going on here? What defines when that dashed line shows up? Can you change what that dashed line looks like? Why doesn’t the dashed line show up on the first button when the menu first shows up?
If this general approach is totally wrong, how do folks handle scrolling through a list of options like this with a gamepad?
So many questions…