How do a set to Rapid / Autofire in FPS Demo UE5?

How do I set the gun to Rapid / Autofire in the FPS Demo UE5?
Is it here:

All the tutorials are for UE4 or are not using the same blueprints


Hi there @will108, hope you’re well!

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Thanks and happy developing! :slight_smile:

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Still no luck guys :sob:

Open the content drawer and navigate to Content->FirstPerson->Input->Actions. Open the IA_Shoot file. Under “Triggers”, change from “Pressed” to “Hold”. On the left of that there is an arrow next to “Index” that will give you options to set the hold time (for rapid fire to activate) and actuation time (time for first shot to fire). This will make it fire basically every tick.

To set the fire rate: in the BP_Weapon_Component event graph make a “delay” node and put it between “EnhancedInputActionIA_Shoot” and “SpawnActor BP First Person Projectile”.

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You are a superstar!!!
Thank you so much.

Will do this tonight

Sorry bud, not working:

Thanks though, I will have a play.

Hang on, it works!!!
0.1 on all 3 options

Had to share, thanks again!

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