how disable world partition in new project unreal 5

I can’t find a way to create projects with templates, EX: third person, with World Partition disabled so I can work with multiple levels.

Hey there @Pirata-Z-1! Welcome to the community! So you can create new non-world partition levels by going up to file->New Level->Basic.


Hope this helps!

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Ok, but by default World pArtition is already enabled in UE5.2 so If you already started working on a level with world partition, is any way to disable it?

There’s technically a method that wasn’t quite ready introduced in 5.2 that disables WP, but it does basically wipe the level out. The disable world partition button breaks everything, but a user submitted some fixes. However you’ll have to be working from source to be able to utilize Intvoker’s fixes. I haven’t tested to see if it’s viable in 5.3 yet.

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