How create global variable?

Hi. How can I create variable whom I can edit from differents blueprints, and then using her in another blueprints?

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Hi ,

It sounds like you could use a blueprint interface. You can find more information on blueprint interfaces here:

Me need create dynamic variable for use in another blueprints?

Hi ,

That should be done using interfaces. This should allow you to access variables across multiple blueprints. We do not have a global variable option, however.

You can also use an object variable to communicate between blueprints.

How To Use Blueprint Communications

I created interface, but I could not do anythink with him. Disabled. Why?

Interface functions are defined per blueprint that implements them. You’ll have to go into the blueprint that is implementing the interface, then in the function tab select the function you want to define. It will open up like any normal function, but have the inputs and outputs you have predetermined in the BPI. If you can give me some more information about what you are experiencing, I’ll be happy to further assist.

Hey, there is good solution via singelton class,_Data_Storage_Class_Accessible_From_Any_CPP_or_BP_Class_During_Runtime

Global variables database, accessible throughout your entire level!

For every question on this matter, everyone directs you to direct blueprint communication, and it almost always doesn’t work. The problem with blueprint communication is that it’s hard (especially for non-advanced users) to get the right object or reference or class, or not miss a single detail of the setup, and there are so many. And even when you do set it correctly, some variables just won’t go through, depending on context. Then you must also define in every class, widget, or blueprint, an instance of the other object that contains your variables. So just DON’T use the Direct Blueprint Communication. It should be used only for it’s purpose, which is to allow an actor to affect another actor, such as turning on a light. It should not be used to handle your database.


From any Event Graph or Function, you can use the blueprint node “All Actors of Class”, and drag out of it an array of all actors from the specifiec class. So step by step:

  • Create a new blueprint ACTOR, because you are going to put in in your level, and it has to be an actor. Call it “LevelDatabaseActor”
  • Place your new LevelDatabaseActor in your level (I put it at origin 0,0,0).
  • Add/edit the blueprint of your LDA
  • In the Event Graph, create all the variables you wish, and make them visible.
  • Compile and save.
  • Open any other actor, widget, or blueprint, anywhere with an event graph.
  • on any event (BeginPlay?) connect the node “All Actors of Class” and select your “LevelDatabaseActor”.
  • From the array output drag a “Get” array item, and leave it to 0.
  • From the Get 0, you have access to set or get any variable in your LevelDatabaseActor, from anywhere.

Make a test:

  • In your LevelDatabaseActor, create a String variable called “TestVariable”, make it visible, and set the default value to “This will print if I did it correctly.”.
  • In your other actor/widget/blueprint/eventgraph, Get All Actors from Class, Get array element 0, get variable “TestVariable”, connected to the Print node.
  • Compile and run your level.
  • Enjoy some coffee and cookies. You have a new database in blueprint only.

Get 0 vs ForEachLoop:

The ForEachLoop code uses a bit more CPU ressources than a direct call to an item in your array. By habit, most blueprint coders use a ForEachLoop after an “All Actors of Class” because there usually are many instances of that actor calss in your level. Since you are absolutely confident that there is only a single instance of your LocalDatabaseActor class in your entire level, the “All Actors of Class” is certain to return an array containing only one item, in the index 0. For that reason, we are saving a very small amount of CPU by refering directly to the item we want, rather than calling a ForEachLoop structure.

Use the ForEachLoop only when there is a possibility to have more than one instance of a class in your level. When you are certain to have only 1, use the Get arrya item 0. Every micro-cycle of your CPU saved, here and there, is a tad more visual effects your user’s computer or mobile will be able to handle.

Passing your database through levels

To keep your database live from one level to another:

  • Put a single instance of your LocalDatabaseActor in every level.
  • Learn to save and load files using the SaveGame blueprint (other tutorials).
  • Create a SaveGame blueprint called “TransistionFileSG”, contining the same variables as your LocalDatabaseActor.
  • On the verge of exiting a level, save all your variables in a file called “transitionFile”.
  • On entering your new level, load your “transitionFile”, and re-associate all values from your TransitionFileSG to your LocalDatabaseActor.

You passed all your variables from one level to another. More cookies and coffee (or whatever you use to celebrate, that won’t prevent you from continuing to code your game).

Hint: Create 2 functions in your LocalDatabaseActor. One to save everything in a transitionFile, and one to load everything from your transitionFile. Call your save function when you exit a level. Connect your load function to the BeginPlay event in your LocalDatabaseActor, so you are certain that you are always loading your last saved transitionFile.

Hint: In your LocalDatabaseActor and TransitionFileSG, add a few variables that will help you handle your project variable, regardless if you think you’ll ever access them. Always plan your debuging needs a head. Add strings like DataTimeOfFile, GameName, CharacterPlayerName, CharacterSGFileName. You should add a boolean LoadMe that is verified before you load all your stats. When changing a level, set LoadMe to true. On game quit, save your transitionFile with LoadMe set to false. You will know in your load fuction if your transitionFile is outdated.

I really hope that helps you guys. If my Unreal Engine was not loading a new mesh for the last 6 hours, I would do screen captures of all this. But I figured if you are using varialbes like that, just reading step by step made sense to you.

I’ll go get myself more coffee and cookies.

Maha Merrymaking


Maha Vajra,

Your answer looks like exactly what I’m looking for to solve my current project but you’ve lost me at the last step: “•From the Get 0, you have access to set or get any variable in your LevelDatabaseActor, from anywhere.”

How? I have all of my variables set from the database actor with their eyes open, I used the Get All Actors of Class of the correct database class in my other blueprint, I Got array 0 but when I pull the node off, I don’t see any of the variables from the Database actor. Should they be over in the left-hand window with my other local variables? That’s the only place I know of where I can Get and Set variables (sorry, ultra-noob here).

Huzzah! I found the step which was missing… The last step listed above was “•From the Get 0, you have access to set or get any variable in your LevelDatabaseActor, from anywhere.” No, no, we’re not done yet… you pull that pin and you get nada, nothing, zilch. This may be assumed information for people used to UE but for us noobs every step needs to be spelled out.

There needs to be one last step after that: From the Get 0 node pull the right pin over and starting typing “Cast to X” where X is whatever your class is named from the earlier steps - in the example above its LocalDatabaseActor. Connect the Exec arrows from the last node to your new Cast node. Now you can access all of your variables from your LevelDatabaseActor by pulling the “As X” pin on the bottom right of your Cast node. Just pull the pin and start typing “Get Y” where X is your database class and Y is the name of your sought after variable.

Score 1 for the new guy!

And thank you Maja for the great post above as I’ve been looking for this since starting Unreal modding a few weeks ago (stupid Unreal not using global variables, dumbest thing I’ve ever seen) and your post got me going in the right direction!

Sometimes you have to Cast To, sometimes you don’t. If the variable is configured IN your LocalDatabaseActor, then there is no cast required. Unless you are calling it from somewhere else than I did, which does require the Casting. But hey! Thanks for sharing this addition to the method.

To do this, I create my own custom game instance blueprint class) and then cast to it to get or set the variables I need.

The image shows you how to do that. (I renamed the custom blueprint class “brukelgameinstance”.)

The proposed solution with the custom actor didn’t work for me as easily as I use multiple streamed levels.

This is a great solution. You could also use game mode and just access that for all your global variable needs.

Really thank you, I always wonder which blueprint should I store those global variable. This detail answer really help us a lot

THIS IS GREAT!! thanks for the simplest to explain and implement solution, I think LDA´s should become a very common architecture, you solved a big problem thanks thanks thanks!

I wish people would stop suggesting BP interfaces for this problem. BP interfaces can communicate values between bps but you still can’t define global vars through it.

Ok awesome except now, I get an error that says the self reference for those variables is invalid. Anyone know how to get around that?

I’m using GameState for a similar solution. Never thought in accessing within other BPs nice solution for dealing with global vars.

This was nice one.
I tried and gave me some crashes, maybe its a feature that needs to be invested a little bit more. (version: 4.16.3)