I create a Editor Utility Widget ,Its Item using Drag and Drop Event
I want make a Item like Material Data Assets in Content Browser .
But It can’t interactive with Original property Slot .
Can any one Help ?
I create a Editor Utility Widget ,Its Item using Drag and Drop Event
I want make a Item like Material Data Assets in Content Browser .
But It can’t interactive with Original property Slot .
Can any one Help ?
This topic has been moved from International to Programming & Scripting: Blueprint.
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Hopefully, this category change will help to get an answer. In the meantime, good luck and happy developing!
I’m also trying to figure this out. So far I can only find information about how to drag objects from one widget to another inside a game. But as OP is also asking: How can we setup an Editor Utility Widget to accept Drag and Drop Operations initiated from the Content Browser? Thanks!
You could use SinglePropertyView to create your Material Slot:
I hope it’ll be helpful to you.
MaterialSlotControl.uasset (80.5 KB)
hello, thanks your reply。it is useful for me,but i want to use tile view in editor uitility py blueprint。is there any suggestions?
thank you so much, i did it ,i am a newbie for widget.