¿How could the state of an Skeletal Mesh be stored, for each frame, in order to recreate it offline?

I’m working on a research project in which we need to “record” the movement of a character (mainly its hands and arms, whose input are given by gloves) and its interaction with the objects in the scene, in order to recompose the sequence frame by frame later.

The way we are doing this is by storing, in a text file, the position and rotation of the camera and all the other actors for each frame. This is fine for camera and static meshes, but we are wondering which would be the best way to store and recover the state of an Skeletal Mesh (the playable character). We were thinking about storing the relative position and rotation for each bone, and then rebuild the skeletal mesh adjusting each bone sequencially starting from the root one.

How should we access the information for each bone, and how could we modify them later to recreate the Skeletal mesh? There is a better way of doing this? We would like to keep storing the information in a text file because we need to preserve the sequences and be able to recreate them at any moment.

Thank you very much in advance!


That allows you to record gameplay interactions so that you can replay them within Sequencer, if you need something else you’ll have to come up with a solution on your own.