How could i disable the "Snapping Requires nearby foundation" ?... unchecking did not work :)


ich want to give the people in my mod the possibility to make a verry large bridge without to make a ground every 2 pieces. So i make copies of the files for the catwalk.
I am not sure, but i think the important parameters are in the “Beam_Wood_SM-New” Blueprint under the “Placement Tab”.

Be to disable the important “checks” did not work.

If i disable the “Snapping Requires Nearby Foundation” Variable, it requires nevertheless a foundation nearby.

I tried to enable the “is foundation” in hope, that it recognize themselfes or the Beam-Wood nearby as foundation and accept it. But this did not work.

Anyone got an idea?

Should be a small thing for a profi :).

Thanx for all help.

Look for requires snapping and make sure it isn’t checked. Because if it is, its still not going to let you place it until its snapped to something. Haven’t played around with catwalks, even in the game, but I’m assuming this variable is checked