How could I attach a custom weapon blueprint to my character ship?

Hey everyone!

I am trying to attach by custom blueprint weapon to my character ship but I am having some issues. This is the way I am currently doing it.


Now I do get my debug string saying attached, but I believe that it’s not attaching correctly… I still can not shoot with my weapon even though I know that the blueprint for the weapon is correct. It’s just a blueprint the weapon does not have a static mesh or anything.


May be you can refer to this topic : Why is a projectile only firing from player start? - Programming & Scripting - Unreal Engine Forums

I think if you don’t set the speed vector to your weapon it should work. The Projectile owner is still your actor.

The idea is to get your actor location and his transform and give that to your weapon so it will have the same updated position.

I’ll try this after work, I’ll be back.

Yes but I can work if you do the same thing that I did with the projectile without setting up a vector for his speed. By doing that, you set up your weapon position according to the player character transform to have the same position and so he’ll move with the character

Thing is it doesn’t look like it’s a problem with the projectile. It’s attaching the weapon itself to the player.