Hello, I created my Mesh and also one animation to it, but here is problem. When I am trying to export it from Blender and import it to UE, Mesh looks good, but animation doesn´t work. I don´t know why… I am also tried export and import only animation, but still I have that issue. Can someone help me?
i’ve already imported a lot of animations from blender, i just export the blender project as .fbx and import it in unreal, i just uncheck the “import mesh” checkbox and select the animation’ss skeleton in the “skeletal mesh” combobox, can you tell exactly what goes wrong?
I was made heart by that tutorialand animation by that, but why it doesn´t work? When I want import skeleton for that, I can´t, when I select it, nothing happen, there is still NONE.
I wanted use Skeleton Heart, what was imported with Heart Mesh, Heart Animation (what doesn´t work…), it imported that: (but that is only main export from Mesh, I also exported Heart throbbing as animation from Blender.
Here you can see I have two files
And animation in Heart and Heart-throbbing don´t working. PS: In Blender it works, I tried it.
Nobody know?
When you export from Blender ensure that Apply Modifiers under Geometries tab is unchecked.
On importing to UE4 check Import Morph Targets.
No Animation still doesn´t working . That animation is about heart throbbing, but nothing happening in UE4 and in Blender it works.
Nobody don´t know that?
Looking at the above photo you only have one frame in your ‘animation’. I can’t say why but you may want to recheck your export/import settings.
P.S. You did select Mesh in the ‘Main’ tab when exporting from Blender didn’t you?
My key frames in Blender:
While exporting I am using:
Animation importing to UE4:
After I click on import, it is imported (see above what all is there)
And after there is little error log:
Next I turn on animation window with Heart Throbbing Anim and what I see… only object without animation.
This is a good tutorial with exporting from Blender and importing on UE and works for me
With these settings it finally work! Where was mistake in my settings?
@anonymous_user_d4231629 or @mojay, don´t you know, how to add animation to object? Via blueprint? Or how? Isn´t there any tutorial? If yes, link please.
Hi Renzotom
I would suggest making a blueprint from your heart mesh see (see HeartBP)
and in the event graph hooking up the animation (see BPAnim)
You can then drag the BP into your scene and play
As to your first question it looks as though you didn’t uncheck All Actions NLA Strips and Key All Bones when exporting from blender
As for tutorials etc look on the learn tab of the Launcher which also has a link to video tutorials. Else do a web search or look through these pages or on YouTube.
Do ue4 accept that blender bones bind with vertex group not bone strength?
i mean do we have to use bone envelopes?