Whenever I run my packaged game, it’s called “Built with UDK” in the process list.
I want to change it to the actual name of my game. Anyone know how to do this?
Whenever I run my packaged game, it’s called “Built with UDK” in the process list.
I want to change it to the actual name of my game. Anyone know how to do this?
I think you can only do that if you build the exe from UE3. The setting is in PCLaunch.rc.
Thanks for the reply. That’s what i thought it might be. I really do need to move to UE3, but i still have the problem of Frontend crashing when cooking my main map when using UE3. I will try again soon i guess.
Early in my transition to UE3 I had a lot of problems cooking with Frontend. Also, I ship the editor, which I just could not force to work with cooked packages. In the end, I just shipped uncooked packages, and the game seems to play just fine on them.
Alternatively you can use ResourceHacker to edit the exe name, icon and details which is what I did and it works just fine