When i make blank page new prorject,and i wont upload new character from MixamoAnimPack,when i upladed Mixamo_maria character in the worl all right,but when start play i can’t play whit this character?
You’ll have to set the Game Mode to “Mixamo” game and the default pawn class to your Mixamo character in the world settings as shown here: https://.unrealengine.com/showthread.php?75250-Mobile-Mannequin&p=325834&viewfull=1#post325834
To get your character to move, you’ll have to have to set up your Input Settings under Edit/Project Setttings/Inputs. A short cut around this is to import your Mixamo character into a Third Person Blueprint template, set the game mode and default pawn class as shown above. The inputs will already be set, and your character will be able to move from the start. Likewise, you could take a screen shot of the Input settings of a Third Person Blueprint template and apply them to your blank project.
Thank you!