The title says all, how set false the movment in the jump? I using the 3º person sample and the movmeni in automatic jjust like in the ininite run unreal video tutorial,
if you know the solution I’ll be very greatful
The title says all, how set false the movment in the jump? I using the 3º person sample and the movmeni in automatic jjust like in the ininite run unreal video tutorial,
if you know the solution I’ll be very greatful
I don’t quite understand what u mean,but if u want to cancel that u can jump with your Character just do this:
Search in your contentBrowser for ThirdPersonCharacter. Open it. In this u will find an Event called “InputAction Jump”. If u want now that ur Character can’t jump, just simple disconnect the wire from “pressed” to “Jump”.
If u want to make the character only able to jump if u want that, make a Branch between “pressed” and “Jump” and let it check for a new variable.
no, look this video, in the second 8 the character jumps, and the movments coninue, like a long jump,I want to stop that movement
If you want to jump stright up with no XY movement try to add the “Stop Movement Immediately” just before the “Jump” node. Also, click on “Character movement” plug-in and set to 0 the “Air Control” parameter.
Ok works, Thank you, I must set the air control to 0.5 to pass the wall that i want to jump, but works
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