How can you stop an actor from spawning when it's already spawned once?

Hi, I’m attempting to make a randomized actor spawn from a list of four actors, they spawn perfectly fine but I’m attempting to make the actors only spawn once. right now they can all spawn as the same or multiple of one, any thoughts on how to make it so they can be on a “do not spawn list” if one has already spawned or something along that line? Thanks :slight_smile:

Nice work, you’re really close with what you’ve got there. What you want to do is call the array shuffle function - that will shuffle an array variable randomly. So instead of using a select node with random integer, you want to make an array, and promote that to a variable. Then shuffle that variable, and use it in a for each loop.

Thank you so much it worked perfectly!! I spent so long trying to figure it out lol. Thanks again!

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