How can you set up a Blueprint to play an animation when a player enters a Trigger Box and reverse it when they exit?

I’m new to using Blueprints and haven’t been able to find a solution for playing an animation when a player enters a Trigger Box and reversing it when they exit. This is also my first post on the forum, hope someone can help!

Thanks :pray:


Probably easier than you can imagine.

If the animation is “AnimationSequence,” you can use “PlaySlotAnimationAsDynamicMontage.”

When you want to play “AnimationMontage”, use “Montage _ Play”.

As an example, if you create a BP with the following TriggerBox as its parent, program the collisions:

And then we just put it in the world.

Triggers are visible at runtime if you disable “ActorHiddenInGame”

This is a tutorials video that may be slightly needed.

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So the animation is a timeline. There is a tutorial for a door opening animation using the timeline.
What we are dealing with is not a car door, but it will help.
The pivot, the center of rotation of the door, is especially important for door opening and closing.

Parent page : Timelines in Unreal Engine

Thanks a lot for the help, Kiruru 002! The thing is, the door animations were just an example. I actually want to import complex animation sequences already done in Blender and play them when a player enters a Trigger Box and reverses it when they exit.

Do you think you can help me out with that?

Thanks a lot! I appreciate you helping me out and taking the time to do so.