How can you rotate an actor in blueprint and then call that blueprint in sequencer?

Hi there. I am trying to rotate a skeletal mesh and trigger that rotation in sequencer. Most videos I have watched on rotating objects in blueprints only use ‘event begin play’ or ‘event tick’ but unfortunately you can’t trigger those in sequencer only custom events. But I have tried and failed to rotate my character using a custom event. How can one do that?

Sequencer has direct support for orienting objects.
Select the object, add a track for that objects “transform,” and update the rotation of the object within that track.

However, if that object also has a controller (such as a player controller,) then depending on how it’s set up, they may fight for control over position/orientation; in that case, you have to make sure the player controller is turned off/disabled while sequencing like this.

True, I have the option of rotating the character in sequencer using the transform track. But that is a manual process, what I am trying to do is automate the process, since I intended creating the option to change the character in the blueprint.

So irrespective of the character in the blueprint, I would only have to trigger the custom rotation event while being able to swap out the character in the editor. Just can’t find a way to create a custom rotation event.

In that case, I would make the Sequencer be more of a “stage director,” and turn the controller into navmesh mode, and make the Sequencer set target points for the character to move to.

If you need to rotate a Character to a specific direction, exactly how you do it depends on what the CharacterMovementComponent is doing. If it’s set to “orient to movement direction” then the easiest may be to move it appropriately. If it’s set to “use control orientation,” then you may need to set the control orientation of the actor.