How can you parse xml containing single quotes using the XMLFile class?

I have xml that is valid, but contains single quoted attributes. How can I parse those attributes using the XMLFile class?

An example of a snipped from a test I would expect to pass:

FXmlFile XmlFile(FString("<test a='single' b=\"double\"), EConstructMethod::ConstructFromBuffer);
FXmlNode* RootNode = XmlFile.GetRootNode();

const FString aValue = RootNode->GetAttribute(FString("a"));
const FString bValue = RootNode->GetAttribute(FString("b"));

TestEqual("aValue", aValue, FString("single"));
TestEqual("bValue ", bValue , FString("double"));

currently aValue comes back empty, but bValue with the double quotes will come back as double as expected.

A potential solution:

Apologies, I actually wanted this in the UDN. Is there a way to delete questions here?